The Elemental Program
Elemental Psychedelics
Elemental Psychedelics provides accessible training to individuals in all stages of experience using psychedelics as a tool for therapy or psychospiritual exploration. We offer introductory-level workshops and circles for those newly exploring the emerging field of psychedelic care, intermediate-level immersives, and retreats for those who have prior experience with psychedelic medicines, and ongoing supervision and coaching for building your psychedelic practice. Elemental teaches, guides, and supports you to connect to your own unique offering, giving you the opportunity to metabolize and birth what is truly yours to do in the psychedelic space.
The Elemental Program Model
Our program model consists of three levels of offerings carefully curated to support individuals at all levels of their psychedelic journey.

"We are on a continual quest to get closer to the universe by getting closer to self. Moving ever nearer to the point where we can no longer tell where one begins and the other ends."
Rick Rubin | The Creative Act

Core Elemental
Are you ready to take your understanding of psychedelic practice to the next level? Our foundational framework provides a starting point for health and mental health professionals to expand their knowledge of this emergent field. With offerings specific to practitioners from both clinical and non clinical backgrounds, there is something for you no matter where you are starting from.
Elemental core trainings include firsthand ketamine experiences that will take you on your own journey to begin developing a relationship with altered states of psychedelic medicines. We keep safety at the forefront of our program, providing a medical screening to ensure your well-being and comfort.
We invite you to immerse yourself in the world of psychedelic-assisted therapies with our one-day workshops and webinars. Or, for a deeper dive, join our multi-day psychedelic immersive trainings that cover essential aspects of psychedelic care and foster community and deep connections.
For health and mental health professionals experiencing burnout or considering a career transition, our single-night psychedelic circles are an excellent opportunity to reconnect with your passion and purpose.
Current Core Opportunities

Deepen your knowledge and grow your practice with Elemental's expanded offerings. Experience advanced and specialized educational workshops and webinars that delve into important topics in psychedelic care, such as advanced trauma-informed psychedelic practice, the careful use of touch in psychedelic care, and grief work with fungi medicines. Plus, enjoy lunch 'n learn webinars with local prescribers, where you can make the connections you need with other knowledgeable and experienced professionals in the community.
Our specialized and themed weekend intensives with Sacred Earth Medicine are designed specifically for psychedelic practitioners who already have foundational training with psychedelics. Deepen your relationship with your own inner landscape and explore what your most authentic psychedelic practice looks like.
You'll have access to group supervision, consultation, and coaching to help you build your unique psychedelic practice. Our licensed therapist cohort model offers group supervision, while group consultation is available for practitioners working in non-licensed spaces. Plus, our group coaching offers an additional opportunity to clarify and evolve your values-based psychedelic practice.
Expanded Elemental
Current Expanded Opportunities

Integrated Elemental
Our Integrated Elemental Offerings involve one-to-one clinical supervision, mentorship, and coaching that is tailored to your unique needs and goals. Our mentors and coaches provide you with personalized guidance and support as you grow your practice and continue to deepen your relationships with psychedelic medicines.
For those who have completed psychedelic trainings and are ready to expand their work in bigger ways, Elemental offers incredible opportunities for apprenticeship, shadowing, and co-creation. Practice sitting in group medicine spaces as a support person, offering your own gift at a weekend intensive retreat, or otherwise co-creating with us.
These opportunities are available only by interview and mutual agreement, ensuring that we are the perfect fit for each other.
Contact us for details about one-to-one supervision, consultation, and mentorship.